Where to put them all?

Where do you store your guns? When we talk about gun control and common sense, I think it makes sense to talk about storage. It should be possible to completely eliminate firearms accidents caused by small children finding guns. It should be possible to minimize the flow of stolen guns onto the criminal black market.

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The language we use about guns

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya   When I hear or read about firearms in the mainstream media I often hear language that is confusing, deceptive or unclear. I’d like to talk about some common phrases and words and what they really mean

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The Magic of Assault Weapons

You’ve doubtless heard the phrases, “assault weapon”, “assault rifle”, and “high-powered rifle”. These are widely mis-used terms, and they are often used to characterize firearms in a negative light. I recently heard a guest on a popular radio show make the argument that, “they’re called assault rifles, doesn’t that tell you that no-one needs to own one of these?”

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On Being Armed in Public Places

There are very few reasons for a person to go about in public carrying weapons. Assuming an occupation by a hostile government is not occurring at the time, all the well-armed militia stuff can be satisfied by keeping arms accessible at home. If a person’s job doesn’t require a gun and the person isn’t engaged

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The gun fetish and the anti-gun fetish

Google defines ‘fetish’ as, “an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.” That’s a pretty good start for this conversation. When I talk about gun fetishists, I’m talking about those who seem to think that owning a gun changes who they are. They might be

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Hello world!

Who am I? Well, I’m a man of mystery I suppose, since I’m writing in anonymity. I’m basically an ordinary guy. I think of myself as politically progressive, but I tend to diverge from my fellow progressive thinkers when the subject of guns comes up. I’ve started writing this because I think our national conversation about

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